Friday, September 3, 2010

How to be a Polite Runner

During last Saturday's run at White Rock Lake, many of our runners noticed that most people ran on the left of the road, but there were others who ran on the right.  For those of you who are rule followers like me (or who don't want to irritate other runners!) you should know that there are some unspoken "rules" of running.  While they may vary from one to place to another, these are the basics of running etiquette:

  •  If running on the road: run against traffic.   If running on the sidewalk or multi-use trails, travel on the right and pass on the left.
  • Never run more than two across.
  • Don't run down the middle of the road/trail.
  • When turning around, don't just stop and make a sudden U-turn.  Stop and step aside to allow oncoming traffic (runners, cyclists, etc.) the opportunity to pass, make sure the road is clear, and then turn around.
  • Alert others when you are passing them--a simple "on your left" will suffice.
  • Stop at stop signs and ensure oncoming traffic yields to you before proceeding across a road.
  • Don't litter. If you can't find a trash can, carry your trash home.
For more information on running etiquette, visit

I hope to see you tomorrow morning at our group run!

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